在蒙大拿州比尤特骑山地自行车山地自行车博客 单轨在美国,孤峰是10个美国人之一.S. mountain bike towns with the lowest cost of living, citing a low median home price and 300 miles of single track in the area.

孤峰 has two community riding clubs, the Highlands Cycling Club and the 孤峰 Coca-Cola Racing Team. 

Whiskey Gulch Mountain Bike Skills Park on the Montana Tech Campus

Montana Tech boasts its own mountain bike skills park on campus. 更多信息请访问 在这里找到.

  • 在菲律宾十大彩票平台的30英亩土地上
  • Adjacent to the Big 孤峰 Open Space with several miles of good biking
  • Adjacent to many miles of dirt road biking
  • 构造良好的倾斜转弯
  • 泵道
  • 各种身高的瘦子
  • Very easy to do a "between classes" mountain bike ride
  • More trails than are shown on the map
  • Hosing a maor fat tire over the snow race winter of 2019

Montana Tech provides mountain bikes and helmets for students to borrow free of charge. 查看我们的 户外装备租赁页面 了解更多信息.


附近的 探索单车公园 is only an hour away and is a challenging course designed for intermediate and experienced mountain bikers and park riders. 的 park is located on the backside of Discovery Ski Resort and drops riders approximately 1,050垂直英尺. Features include wall rides, bridges, jumps, logs and drops. 的 park is professionally maintained to smooth out jarring ruts and washboarding for a true pro-style experience.

孤峰 100赛跑

当地的 孤峰 100赛跑, "the most difficult 100 mile bike race in the country" is held each July in 孤峰. 的 孤峰 100 race series annually hosts over 300 riders from 16 states and two countries. A regular 孤峰 100 competitor and Olympic mountain biker Tinker Juarez said of the race “the most difficult mountain bike race in the country,” which has inspired both amateurs and professionals to take on the course that follows a portion of the Continental Divide.


大陆分界径 runs through 孤峰 and is a popular destination for mountain bikers.